Desuperheater Valves Articles


Steam desuperheater Desuperheating is used to improve the thermal efficiency of heat transfer processes by lowering the temperature of the steam to close to saturation temperature. The DAM steam desuperheater is used in applications where large spray water flow is...


Steam attemperator Attemperation is the primary technique used for controlling the degree of superheat in a boiler or a Heat Recovery Steam generator (HRSG). This is achieved through a controlled injection of water into the superheated steam. Attemperators are...

AB5600 + AB5700

Variable orifice desuperheaters This range of desuperheating equipment achieves a very stable state of desuperheating by adopting a structure that utilises the kinetic energy of steam and attains the appropiate spray for wide turndown and accurate control...


Attemperator Complimenting our complete line of high performance attemperators, IMI Critical Engineering introduces the optimised AB5110, a general all-purpose attemperator that is well suited for incineration, refinery, liquefaction, petrochemical and chemical...
PD Flowtech